A conversation with Ziggie Bruhn

Ziggie and Prisca talk about the art making process of Ziggie, her experience of making art and holding kids workshops during lockdowns. Ziggie is following Nichiren Buddhism, Japanese Buddhist movement in the Mahayana tradition (The bird in the background’ video is Ziggie creation).

Ziggie Bruhn is a Danish Born Artist (1979). She has been a fashion model from age 15 to 25 in multiple countries such as France, Denmark, Korea, Japan, United Kingdom, and Italy. After her Art Study at the London Metropolitan University Foundation and at the Folk Art School in Holbæk in Copenhagen, she also spent a year at Hb Studio Theatre art in New York. Ziggie is an experienced Kundalini yoga teacher; she trained in Los Angeles golden bridge with Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, she learned to teach pregnant yoga in Sweden with Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, and also she had a Reike healer education in Rishikesh India. She had an art show at Pavilion 11 in Kongens, Denmark. She teaches drawing classes for kids in Ryesgade Copenhagen and these days you can find Ziggie in her Shop called ‘Ziggie Bruhn Art’ Bredgade 14 in Copenhagen.


[IT] Ziggie Bruhn è un'artista danese nata nel 1979. È stata una modella di moda dai 15 ai 25 anni in diversi paesi quali Francia, Danimarca, Corea, Giappone, Regno Unito e Italia. Dopo aver studiato arte alla London Metropolitan University Foundation e alla Folk Art School di Holbæk a Copenhagen, ha trascorso un anno all'Hb Studio Theatre art di New York. Ziggie è un'esperta insegnante di Kundalini yoga; si è formata al Golden Bridge di Los Angeles con Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, ha imparato a insegnare yoga per donne in gravidanza in Svezia con Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, e ha anche avuto una formazione di guaritrice presso Reike a Rishikesh India. Ha avuto una mostra d'arte al Padiglione 11 a Kongens, Danimarca. Al momento, insegna lezioni di disegno per bambini a Ryesgade Copenhagen e potete trovare Ziggie nel suo negozio chiamato 'Ziggie Bruhn Art' Bredgade 14 a Copenhagen, Danimarca.


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